Landing Pad LED Kit for Warhammer 40k

Small Scale Lights

Kit Contains:
8 x LEDs, clips & 3v battery box
Also available:
as 12v LEDs (power supply available separately)

A very easy to use lighting kit for Warhammer 40k landing pad models including 3mm or 5mm LEDs and a 3 volt battery with on/off switch. Also available in a 12v option for use with a DC regulated transformer.
(transformer available separately here)

Size of LED is personal preference but also depends on the size of your landing pad. 3mm LEDs are more in scale for most models but 5mm may be preferred for added effect / larger lights.

The resistor will be soldering into the wire, about half way along so it's not adding bulk to the LED for fitting into tight spaces.

Kit includes:

  • 8 x 3mm or 5mm LEDs in choice of colour (Optional second colour for 50:50 split)
  • 8 x 3mm or 5mm LED clips (photo shows 5mm bezel clip in situ)
  • 1 x 3v AAA battery holder with integrated on/off switch OR 12v option including 2.1mm adaptor (transformer available separately)
  • 1 x connector block

Simply decide where you want the LEDs and drill a hole for the LED clips. Glue the clips in place and paint as desired then push the LED into the clip and fix the wires underneath. Connect the LED wires to the battery wires or transformer connector. The on/off switch can be placed in an inconspicuous place on the model and a hole drilled for the switch to pop through then glued in place.

Photo above shows a customer image of lighting for a Forge world Mortalis Theta Complex.